Global Elite Group’s High Value Cargo Security services are trusted by some of the world’s most prominent shippers and auction houses. Cargo has been the target of theft and damage for decades, often times yielding historical losses, to amounts that have not only captured the attention of the public but the entertainment industry as well (due to heists and theft plots that go beyond any Hollywood script).
Our special operations agents are trained and assigned with various responsibilities on a daily basis, including oversight of the secure delivery, transport and safe handling. These services provide a physical guard presence to oversee all critical movements of the shipment, from tendering at the cargo facility through loading onto an aircraft (and the reverse). Guard Services are available for quick 4 hour supervisions or lengthy 72 hour + transfers, with the capability for 72+ supervisions with 24/7 security oversight of cargo that is valuable in monetary, historical, evidentiary or other categories.
Courier and Passenger/Cargo Escort Representatives also have the ability to observe and become a more active asset with cargo movements while under the escort of Global Elite Group’s special operations agents. Additional access is granted to facilities and the tarmac when engaged with supervision and under escort.
Armed and unarmed follow car services are also available to ensure transit to and from the port are made without delay or threat from the any outside variables.
- Real time GPS locations at all times
- Instant notification for movements and progression of transport
- Photographic evidence of movements (not available in all facilities due to DHS regulations)
- On site representation of owner/shipper of goods
- Precious Metals
- Artwork & Historical Objects
- Hazmat
- Cash, Currency, & Credit Cards
- Sensitive and/or confidential information in hard-copy form